Sunday, February 23, 2025

Deconstruction of the Mind: The Fallacy of “My Truth”

Much of American culture and a majority of churches have embraced deconstructionism to the detriment of the Constitution, the country, and the Bible. Deconstructionism is a theory that eliminates truth. Such revisionists will say: “Since word meanings change, you can’t say what someone meant when they wrote text; it’s up to the reader to decide what a text means.”

Deconstructionists believe truth doesn’t matter, arguing no text can convey the same message to everyone. You hear it in Bible studies, “What this verse means to me…” NO!! “What did God mean?” is all that matters.

You get deconstructionism from Progressives, who see the Constitution as a “living document,” with no fixed or enduring meaning, subject to changing interpretations according to evolving standards or opinions. Progressives believe that, since they’re more highly evolved than the founders and framers, it’s unjust to hold them to the original meaning of the Constitution. It’s why Democrats talk so much about packing the court.

What Progressives actually want is to eliminate Judeo-Christian morality, checks and balances in government, and embrace Marxist ideas and sinful lifestyles. The Supreme Court used the evolving standards argument to legalize same-sex marriage and limit capital punishment. Whose standards evolved? God’s didn’t. They’re His laws, and the framers intended to enshrine God’s values in our laws.

Deconstructionism is contrary to the Bible’s claim that absolute truth exists, that it does not change, and that we can know it. Therefore:

  1. People have the right to be the final determiner of what they meant by what they said.
  2. Communication only occurs when the sender and the receiver have the same message. Understanding is between people, not in subjective interpretation of words.
  3. Every scriptural passage has one correct intended meaning. In order to have proper application, that original meaning must be clear.
  4. The Constitution is not a “living document” and those who disagree should not be elected to Congress and the presidency and should not be allowed on the Supreme Court. The Constitution must be interpreted by authorial intent, or originalism.

Interpreters must determine what authors meant by the words they chose. They can’t abandon what authors meant because “word meanings change” or because they don’t like what was written. This is a tactic of Marxism and, as their adage goes, the ends justify the means”.

Atheist Karl Marx didn’t believe any truth existed beyond class struggle. “Communism abolishes eternal truths, it abolishes all religion, and all morality; it therefore acts in contradiction to all past historical experience. The first requisite of the happiness of the people is the abolition of religion.” That eliminates absolute truth—one of the goals of Progressivism.

The Bible, on the other hand, is the foundation for truth. As Jesus said to the Father, “Your Word is truth.” Jesus said He was THE truth. Truth means nothing apart from God. If there’s no God, there’s no truth. Truth can’t be explained or defined without God as the source. The founders and framers understood this. God is the source of all truth and rights. As St. Augustine said, “All truth is God’s truth.” There is absolute truth. It originates in the God of absolute truth, the God for whom it’s impossible to lie. Truth becomes nonsense when people attempt to remove God from their reality, the fixed source of truth.

It’s why Marxists lie so much. It is a means to achieving their atheistic dystopia. It’s worse than fake news. It’s lying propaganda. Like “2020 was the most secure election in history;” Biden saying the economy is in good shape, insurrectionists killed five cops J6 when none were killed, or the “Big Guy” saying he has no knowledge of Hunter’s business dealings. Bill Barr lied about investigating the 2020 election, and Hillary lied about the Steele dossier. The FBI offered Steele $1 million to give evidence the document was true. He couldn’t. So, the corrupt FBI used it anyway to get a FISA warrant. In 2019, the Washington Post ran an article, “Here are 18 Reasons Trump Could be a Russian Asset.” Elections are coming, so Rinos will start lying about being conservative.

Why do Marxists lie? For honorable people, ethics determine means. What the Bible, the Constitution, and the law says should direct what honorable people do. For dishonorable people, ends, not ethics, justifies means. Obama and Hillary’s hero Saul Alinsky said, “The more you care about the issue the less you should care about the methods you use to fight for it.” Their mind is corrupted. Their moral compass is broken because they abandoned God and His Word. (See Romans 1.) God said, “Those who are corrupted and do not believe, both their minds and consciences are corrupted.” Jesus said, “You belong to your father, the Devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.” Without God, there is no basis for truth.

Descartes, Kant, Hegel, Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Marx, Freud, Darwin, and others have all utterly failed to account for truth and the origin of human knowledge apart from God. Truth is not “subjective” as Karl Marx claimed.

If God is not the source of truth, government determines what is truth. That ultimately leads to tyranny. Government then accuses truth-tellers of spreading conspiracy theories, disinformation, and misinformation, or of being anti-science. Then they shut down their free speech rights. Sound familiar? A court just recently ordered an end to this.

Truth is a spiritual issue for everyone. How you understand truth will shape your views on Christianity, politics, and cultural issues. Whether rejecting truth, the Bible, or the Constitution, devastating destruction follows such deconstructionism.

Denying absolute truth is a logical fallacy because those who deny it are stating an absolute truth. Ironically, saying, “There’s no absolute truth” is an absolute statement, exactly what they suggest doesn’t exist. When someone claims there’s no such thing as absolute truth, ask him, “Are you absolutely sure?” If he says, “Yes,” then he has contradicted his very premise.

Deconstructionists say all truth is relative, determined by the individual: “You have your truth; I have my truth. There’s no absolute truth for everyone.” NO!!!!!!  Again, ask, “Are you absolutely sure?” God said, “Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools.” They say the Constitution or the Bible means whatever they want it to mean—another absolute statement. The result is a subjective interpretation, limited only by the imagination. Now we’re in a quarrel. The objective answer to it is, “What did the framers mean? If it’s a biblical interpretation, the objective answer to it is, “What did God mean?” Meaning is in people, not subjective words. What did the framers mean? What did God mean? That’s all that matters.

Instead of accepting what the Bible or the Constitution actually mean, the deconstructionist arrogantly thinks he can determine the “real” or “hidden” meaning of the text. Some preachers say, “Now I know this verse doesn’t mean this, but…” BUT WHAT? His job is to tell what God says. God’s Word alone can eternally change lives; what the preacher wished the Bible said can’t do that. Interpreters are exegetes—they take out the original meaning God intended; they’re not to do eisegesis—putting in the Bible what they wish it said.

The same is true with the Constitution. Just ask, “What did the authors mean?” There can only be one answer to that question. Words have ordinary meanings, and those meanings are communicated to others.

What would happen if wills and contracts were read using deconstructionism? Contracts are interpreted in the context of their original meaning, based on the words chosen. The framers wrote a contract between “we the people” and “the states” vs. the federal government. As a contract, the Constitution lists specific processes of governing that hold the same meaning today as they did then and must tomorrow.

If interpreters ignore the framers’ intentions, the Constitution ceases to be one. This threatens our constitutional Republic. That’s tyranny. That’s deconstructionism. That’s their goal.

So, what do we do?

  1. Conservatives must love truth and boldly proclaim it. We must be intentional about our commitment to truth, which is faithfulness and submission to the God of truth. Speak truth with intense conviction. America dies in lies.
  2. Conservatives must uphold the Constitution, defending and protecting it from all enemies, foreign and domestic, including deconstructionists. And that requires becoming well-versed in it.
  3. Christians must love the Bible and boldly proclaim it. It’s absolutely crucial believers in a transcendent God and truth fully submit ourselves to the revelation God’s given us. This is not politically correct in a society that values creating our own sexual identities and “truths.”

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  • Brian Shelley

    Brian Shelley has a B.S. in Theology, an M.A. in Organizational Leadership, and a PhD in Religion and Society Studies. He was the dean of the Central Penn College Lancaster campus and a professor, teaching courses in Historical Perspectives of the Constitution, Critical Thinking, Philosophy, Ethics, The Bible and Science, Origin of Modern Civil Rights and Liberties, Conflicts in American Government, State and Local Government, Congress & the Presidency, Presidents & First Ladies, American Civil War, PA History, Global Conflict, History and Film, World Religions, World Mythology, and Ancient Civilizations. At Lancaster Bible College, he taught courses at the Bachelor and Masters level about church growth and leadership, how to preach, and how to study the Bible. He is the author of “Have You Lost Your Mind?”, a book about how to use critical thinking skills to study the Bible. Currently he is the national trainer for Reading Truck Group where he teaches principles of leadership and Lean Manufacturing.

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Brian Shelley
Brian Shelley
Brian Shelley has a B.S. in Theology, an M.A. in Organizational Leadership, and a PhD in Religion and Society Studies. He was the dean of the Central Penn College Lancaster campus and a professor, teaching courses in Historical Perspectives of the Constitution, Critical Thinking, Philosophy, Ethics, The Bible and Science, Origin of Modern Civil Rights and Liberties, Conflicts in American Government, State and Local Government, Congress & the Presidency, Presidents & First Ladies, American Civil War, PA History, Global Conflict, History and Film, World Religions, World Mythology, and Ancient Civilizations. At Lancaster Bible College, he taught courses at the Bachelor and Masters level about church growth and leadership, how to preach, and how to study the Bible. He is the author of “Have You Lost Your Mind?”, a book about how to use critical thinking skills to study the Bible. Currently he is the national trainer for Reading Truck Group where he teaches principles of leadership and Lean Manufacturing.
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