Underrepresented Groups

    What the Left thinks: Groups of people, characterized primarily by immutable attributes, and who fall on the “victim” side of the intersectionality spectrum. 

    Definition: A racist idea that recognizes traits of groups over those of the individual in order to justify policies that give unmerited favor to one group over another, while attempting to dismiss charges of discrinimation. It is a rhetorical tool and enables the common divide-and-conquer tactics of Marxism.

    Description: When understood correctly, this idea is highly offensive to people who happen to have certain immutable traits, but who want to thrive in a free, merit-driven society. When the foundational ideas of “created equal” and “liberty and justice for all” are understood, it becomes clear that, inasmuch as these ideas are maintained, there are no “underrepresented groups”. Equal opportunity and equal access allow everyone to compete in a merit-based, colorblind system. The term “underrepresented” is a concept which is used, together with the ideas of “equity”, “intersectionality”, and “social justice”, to justify discrimination and enforce a two-tiered justice system. If you ask a Marxist when these so-called “underrepresented groups will be “represented enough”, or what it will take to bring about sufficient representation, their Marxism and racism will be exposed.

    The premise of this glossary is that the Left has attempted (somewhat successfully) to commandeer our language. With this resource, we are working to restore it to it’s rightful order.