
    What the Left thinks: A person who has received a degree in a subject, and who agrees with and supports the Leftist position on a socio-political issue. Credibility increases in proportion to wokeness. (Actually, credibility decreases in proportion to wokeness, because their conclusions are driven by a rigid bias that demands support for a pre-existing progressive worldview. As a result, most Leftist experts cannot “go wherever the truth leads”.)

    Definition: A person with extensive knowledge and understanding of a given subject.

    Description: Given the Leftists understanding of “expert”, anyone who disagrees with their conclusions cannot be regarded as an “expert”. They may even be threatened with revocation of credentials. This how they are able to make ridiculous statements like “experts agree”, “97% of experts”, “trust the science”, “consensus among scientists”, and “settled science”. It is also worth noting that, in order to obtain credentials in many subjects today, candidates for a PhD must endure years of indoctrination, and are frequently penalized for thoughts that depart from established orthodoxy.

    The premise of this glossary is that the Left has attempted (somewhat successfully) to commandeer our language. With this resource, we are working to restore it to it’s rightful order.