Sunday, February 23, 2025

When is “Extremism” not Extreme?

The tactics of Leftism: If you disagree, you're extreme, and you must be dealt with accordingly.

So: Hillary Clinton thinks that “MAGA extremists,” as she terms them, are part of a cult, and that they need to be deprogrammed? Let me ask you: Is it extreme to want to make America great again?

Is it extreme to acknowledge that the United States is losing its preeminence in a world that is fast becoming increasingly hostile and dangerous?

Is it extreme to acknowledge that the rule of law is becoming viciously undermined in America, that crime is abounding in almost all the major cities of our country, and that criminals are being afforded more “justice” than are law-abiding citizens?

Is it extreme to observe that our rights, particularly those God-given rights, codified in the Constitution’s Bill of Rights, are being undermined, most notably free-speech, guaranteed by the First Amendment, and the right to defend ourselves, as guaranteed in our Second Amendment?

Is it extreme to ask our elected officials that they honor the inviolability of our borders, that the president, as chief executive under our Constitution, the supreme law of the land, uphold his  duty to keep the citizens of the country safe from foreign harm?

Is it extreme to ask that we be guaranteed free and fair elections, and that we, as citizens of these United States, be afforded the opportunity to ensure that such elections be conducted fairly and free from fraud?

Is it extreme to become upset that veterans of foreign was who have protected us and have served this country faithfully, be entitled to fair housing, and that they not be liable to displacement by illegal immigrants?

Is it extreme to be overly concerned that, despite the strict enforcement of entirely arbitrary COVID “vaccine” regulations to its citizens, hundreds of thousands, nay millions, of persons have been and are continuing to be admitted into our country without vetting, without medical clearance, and perhaps contributing to the recent spikes in tuberculosis cases in several of our cities, of a disease that had been hitherto almost completely eradicated?

Is it extreme to notice that since the ascendancy of Joseph Robinette Biden into the White House, executive orders he had signed have resulted in our dependence of foreign oil and energy which in turn has produced spiraling inflation resulting in skyrocketing costs in goods and services, placing undue burdens upon the middle class in particular?

Is it extreme to want to protect the youth of America from sexual predators, from obscene literature in their schools, from sexual deviants who masquerade as caring individuals exploiting “drag-queen story hour” and grooming parties? Is it extreme for parents to care about what their children are taught in school?

Is it extreme for parents to worry about remaining in the dark concerning  what goes on in their children’s schools, that the diabolical program of gender manipulation being foisted on children all over the country, may impinge upon them, that gender “reassignment” without their knowledge, if protested, may result in their losing their children, literally as well as figuratively?

Is it extreme to be concerned that many of the children that cross the southern border illegally, disappear, and that sex-trafficking may very well be a greater reality than could  ever be hitherto imagined?

Is it extreme to worry that thousands of people are dying everyday from overdoses of fentanyl, which is being imported from China and funneled through Mexican drug cartels through the southern border of our country?

Is it extreme for us to demand that people coming through that border be vetted, that failure to do so is probably resulting in the proliferation of this drug as well as the spread of several diseases, to say nothing of the possible crimuinal elements we may be unwittingly allowing to enter?

Is it extreme to fear that, no longer possessing a strong administration in Washington, we may be entering into proxy wars with hostile nations, notably Russia and China, but perhaps  Iran as well?

Is it extreme to notice that many of our problems have become precipitously exacerbated with the departure of President Trump from office?

Is it extreme to notice that we were safer and better off in so many ways when he was president?

Is extreme to observe that he has been relentlessly hounded before, during, and after his presidency by forces that seem to fear him, hate him and wrongfully view him as a threat to America?

Is it extreme to notice that he was and still is able to enunciate a vision for America to make it great again, that he had been putting into practice?

And finally, is it extreme to remember that no less a statesman than Barry Goldwater observed,  “moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue, and extremism in defense of liberty is no vice.”

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  • John DeSantis

    John DeSantis is a retired New York City teacher who lived the better part of his years in the borough of the Bronx prior to relocating to northeast Pennsylvania five years ago. In addition to teaching ] high school mathematics for almost fifteen years, he spent sixteen years teaching special education in the same NYC system. During those years he taught travel training, special reading and mathematics to mentally disabled high school students. The capstone of his career was a three-year involvement in a pilot program for the severely and profoundly multiply handicapped. He had an opportunity to employ many principles of behavior modification there with great success. Since his retirement, he has divided his time between tutoring, pursuing a doctorate in English Literature and writing. He has written two plays, several short stories, numerous essays, memoirs and poetry.His poetry has been published in almost a score of anthologies.

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John DeSantis
John DeSantis
John DeSantis is a retired New York City teacher who lived the better part of his years in the borough of the Bronx prior to relocating to northeast Pennsylvania five years ago. In addition to teaching ] high school mathematics for almost fifteen years, he spent sixteen years teaching special education in the same NYC system. During those years he taught travel training, special reading and mathematics to mentally disabled high school students. The capstone of his career was a three-year involvement in a pilot program for the severely and profoundly multiply handicapped. He had an opportunity to employ many principles of behavior modification there with great success. Since his retirement, he has divided his time between tutoring, pursuing a doctorate in English Literature and writing. He has written two plays, several short stories, numerous essays, memoirs and poetry.His poetry has been published in almost a score of anthologies.
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