Sunday, February 23, 2025

United in What? The Plan in Their Own Words

You've been warned: The Global Elite's Informed Consent.

I just read a book, and it disturbed me very much. Why? Because the book was written in their own words, by their own hands. Who are they?  You will soon find out. Before I even bought the book, I wanted to doubt. Before I even opened the cover, I wanted to be skeptical. I hoped beyond hope that the topics in the book and the warnings and postings I saw on social media, were only propaganda and hyperbole. I found out that it’s all true. Better to know the ugly truth than to pretend everything is sunshine and roses.

The book, “Earth for All, A Survival Guide for Humanity” might seem like a good resource for those of us looking for guidance on how to survive in the fast-paced world of today, or how to deal with high inflation and over-burdening taxes, or even how to battle the loss of individual liberties taken from us at every turn. You would think from the pleasing title, the book would be a pretty safe bet for advice on a happy existence. But this book has another, more nefarious reason for being in print, the reason is that it is the report given to the Club of Rome focusing on sustainability of our planet. If you haven’t heard of this group, The Club of Rome is an association consisting of one hundred members, including current and former heads of state, high-level government officials, UN administrators, scientists, economists, and business leaders from around the globe.  This “club” was founded in 1968 in Rome, Italy. The organization is currently based in Winterthur, Switzerland, and considers itself a platform of diverse thought leaders. They claim to have the ability to solve global issues by promoting policy initiatives that enable humanity to emerge from multiple planetary emergencies. Boy is that a mouthful! But I can summarize it in more simple terms by saying, this book is the viewpoint of domineering Marxist elites who think they have the knowledge, the power, and the right to make decisions on how every man, woman and child should live their life on planet Earth.

Some of the authors and commentators are well known names in the progressive globalist realm. For example, David Korten, author of, “When Corporations Rule the World, The Post Corporate World: Life After Capitalism. And Chandran Nair, who authored, “Dismantling Global White Privilege: Equity for a Post-Western World”. Jinfeng Zhou, Secretary General of China’s Biodiversity and Green Development Foundation. And Gaya Herrington, Vice President of ESG Research for Schneider Electric, who makes the assertion of knowing how to avoid an ecosystem collapse with “new electric opportunities”. Well, isn’t that convenient. I would say this last claim sums up the true underscoring of the whole book, which is, someone in the electric energy field is going to make a ton of money from the narrative told in this manuscript.

Sadly, it’s evident that these fortunetellers are using the same approach that’s been in existence since the beginning of time, selling snake oil to a confused and anxious population for their own agenda, benefit, and gain. The use of key terms like inequality, empowerment, food scarcity, poverty, and clean energy, enables them to employ the “wow” factor and make gigantic claims of how they can be the savior of mankind. It took 195 pages in this book for them to say how they are going to accomplish this, but I can sum it up in just one sentence. They are using psychological scare tactics to get people to do what they want.

But just to play along, let’s indulge in their story. First, by employing the buzz words used in the book to get everyone’s attention, let’s see how they are going to end poverty. It’s easy, just play the inequality card to promote progressive income and wealth taxes to redistribute income, and Boom! equity for all, problem solved! To empower women, promote a vision of “gender balance”, Phew, that was easy! But wait, there’s more. We must transform gender power by promoting LGBTQ to encourage less children and to reduce the population. It’s easy to read between the lines to see what their version of gender empowerment for women is. Educate women, place them in the workforce, and ensure less breeding to get the global population down below nine billion by 2050, their words–not mine. Now, let’s move on to food. How do they propose to stabilize food sources? Easy, just transform agriculture and diets. Start by getting rid of farm animals, too much land is taken up by livestock anyway and they produce too much greenhouse gas emissions and use up too much water. Again, their words—not mine. Oh, and I almost forgot, we must use only organic farming and eat lab-based beef. How do we make sure farmers are doing as the soothsayers demand?  By using GPS systems, satellites, drones, moisture sensors, and robots of course, just to track the farmers to make sure they behave properly. Rest assured, “The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change” concluded that cellular fermentation, cultured meat, plant-based alternatives and controlled environment agriculture will reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Hooray!

But now let’s get to the real meat of the problem, no pun intended. Energy. This is their bread and butter; this is where the government subsidies come in and the money is made. They make it sound so easy, just access wind and solar and transition to clean energy. Poof- all done! Replace fossil fuels with electrify everything, anything that burns fossil fuels needs to go! No one needs steel, cement or petrol. Don’t build anything new that connects to a flame, just use solar, wind, and batteries. Where do they get these cute little quips from? Not only do they tell us what to do, they tell us how to do it. We will consume less, not only by using electric vehicles but by using smaller and fewer electric vehicles. How can they achieve this? By using “more conscientious production methods”. We all know what that means, if they only produce what they want us to buy and the government regulates it, then that is all we get! And now for the irony, a tax on luxury carbon consumption, like private jets, (just like the people mentioned in this book use).  They don’t get rid of the luxury items, but to soften the misery for everyone, they just tax these items more and then distribute the stipend to each person. So simple, even an Oligarch could figure it out! And, to make your life easier, they will use a combination of digital infrastructure and complementary currencies for monetary transactions. What could go wrong!

Now, they do admittedly say, “This will cause disruptions, and will increase inequality in ways we cannot predict”. But their ready-made analogy doubles as the segue into their next agenda item which is to control the population when things go south: “In democratic societies, misinformation and disinformation has been kept at bay by the checks and balances of mass media. Social media has smashed this model apart and has industrialized the spread of mis and dis-information”. Oh boy!  To continue, “In the same way that social media has connected more people; it has also spread more misinformation to undermine democracy”. What does this really say? It says that the truth is a threat to them. It says that your first amendment right undermines their plot.

The appealing and poetic jargon employed in their manuscript, just melts my heart. When they pleasantly phrase things as, a “Well-Being Economy”, what they really mean is a “Marxist Economy”. When they graciously say the term “Democracy”, they are really substituting it for the word “Socialism”. They twist the words and frame the sentences to seem so innocuous, so helpful, so utopian, but what they are really espousing is the classic definition of Marxism. Marxism includes the belief that capitalism creates exploitative class divisions, Marxism advocates the abolishment of private property, and establish an egalitarian society where resources and labor are distributed based on need and ability, transcending political borders.

The authors of the book want to play God. They champion a universal dignity by imposing a profound redistribution of wealth. Where is the dignity for those who work and sacrifice to make a better life? They want to control the economy with the promise of prosperity for all by establishing a universal income. Where does the prosperity go for those who toil hard every day at their job? They want to strengthen labor rights and trade unions with talk of equality of land with common-farming and collectively shared plots. To do this they must take away the authority of individual property rights. Who will keep these collective land plots in order? Shall we go back to feudalism? Has any of this truly been thought out or has it been spun with all the pertinent little talking points that a master storyteller can convey? Just like any good fairytale, this saga is full of imagination, characters, setting, and plot. To keep this story from being a reality, I hope and pray that it stays exactly where it belongs, bound in the pages of the book, tucked tightly between its covers.

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  • Deborah Jordan

    Deb Jordan has a background in history, art, and business. She heads up a constitutional conservative group in Luzerne County called "Council of American Patriots" and is active in the Republican party as Precinct committee person.

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Deborah Jordan
Deborah Jordan
Deb Jordan has a background in history, art, and business. She heads up a constitutional conservative group in Luzerne County called "Council of American Patriots" and is active in the Republican party as Precinct committee person.
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