- Trans-America, Part 2: What Made it Possible?
- Trans-America, Part 1: Origins – The David Reimer Tragedy
“The David Reimer Tragedy”, part 1 of this series, was an experiment which provided nothing to ignite a cultural revolution. Its premise, that “nurture” overcomes “nature” to the extent that male could become a female was proven to be mistaken. Even without his primary male sexual organs and with his parents raising him as a girl, David behaved like the male he was and believed that he was not female. It was poor science, as well as an immoral action – John Money declared its success before David’s puberty and never followed-up on his condition after age 12. David married a woman, was a father to her children, became drug-addicted and committed suicide when he could not escape the trauma of his childhood.
Gender Shifting Ideology
Nevertheless, the idea of male/femaleness being changeable and entirely a state of mind was actively constructed and proliferated in academia, progressive politics, and the science of psychology. In psychology, there had long been a syndrome called “gender identity disorder” (GID), in which a child believed he/she was of the opposite gender. It was found among almost entirely in boys, expressed at an early, even pre-school, age and persisted. Treatment was “talk” therapy to understand where the notion arose from and trying to get him to adjust to his body. In extreme cases, medical measures were given to the boy and he grew to live happily as a woman.
In the worlds of academia and Marxist politics, this idea was postulated quite differently. In it, one’s natural physiology (sex) was separate from one’s conception of which gender he/she was, it was “fluid”. This meant, allegedly, it could change multiple times during life; it was on a spectrum, between maleness and femaleness with areas where one was both genders or had no gender. This postulation also states that gender has nothing to do with sexual attraction to the opposite or same sex. That is, it is not a homosexual attraction which defines whether one has changed gender, only what one thinks of one’s self.
It must be noted that there was never a scientific study which studied this, formulated this definition, or proved it exists, and experimented with alternate treatments to establish a recommended treatment.
Formalizing Gender Dysphoria
The postulation includes an action plan to normalize transgenderism, to promote it as an oppressed minority, and create support structures to enable it. An early action was taken to change its medical description from a “disorder”, which connotes a mental aberration, to “gender dysphoria” (GD), which is a pathology indicating a patient’s “impatience under affliction, “morbid restlessness”.
In 2013, the American Psychiatric Association’s revised its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (of Medical Disorders). The DSM provides the formal diagnosis which allows for all conditions which can be billed to insurance companies. It removed GID and created GD. There was no debate or studies of the condition presented. A survey was used to decide this, one which was sent to 5 groups of medical professionals and 38 organizations “concerned with the welfare of transgender people” and was passed with 55.8% agreeing to the swap.
GID was formally diagnosed in the DSM with two well-documented components with manifestations, age of onset, prevalence by sex, and treatments The revision diagnoses GD as a “distress” without a pathology, but a distress which has a DSM code to establish insurance coverage. In 2022, the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) removed GD and replaced it with “gender incongruence” – i.e., it is a healthy and ordinary process (like giving birth)”. The DSM will soon follow suit. Again, no evidence is provided to support this.
The Human Rights Campaign (HRC), funded by Amazon, Apple, Google…, added GD to its Articles of Faith, establishing GD as a human right. The US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) got on board. The World Health Organization (WHO) removed GID from its global manual of disorders. So governmental and organizational entities quickly legitimized GD and how its therapy and treatments could be paid for.
In many schools and colleges, gender theory has been added to the curriculum, normalizing an unnatural phenomenon. Early sex education shocks and desensitizes children. The United Nations (UN) is promoting the notion of sexual activity as a human right, completely apart from one’s age (including children) and having an exclusive loving partner.
This deserves full discussion elsewhere but contributes to the stress and confusion of adolescents who are bombarded with declarations and pronouncements regarding transgenderism.
Becoming Gender Dysphoric
But, where can we find “the oppressed”? Before re-labeling, GID patients were only 1 in 30,000 boys (0.003%) and 1 in 100,000 girls (0.001%). Experts in GD believe the principal agents in expanding its population are the iPhone, which came into the possession of most adolescents around 2015, and social media outlets.
Dr. Lisa Littman’s proposition that transgenderism in girls follows the same steps as anorexia. That is, white adolescent girls dissatisfied with their body’s appearance seek out others with the same concerns via social media. They find like-minded girls who amplify their fears, share experiences and techniques, support and protect each other. The allegiance is very strong, sees all who would question their obsession and try to stop them as enemies, and hate and shun any who leave their group. Anorexics find advocates and advisors abound on social media.
All adolescents pass through puberty and feel strange in their changing bodies. With so much focus on gender, they often relate feeling of anxiety, depression, ADHD, etc., to a gender dysphoria. Online they easily find surveys to self-diagnose the new emotions that they feel, and the survey results often tell them that they could be trans.
But with GD, there is a much larger group of friends, associates, adults, and more who immediately gush praise and support for their decision and “love on” them at every opportunity. Such attention and appreciation is seductive and exhilarating. The universe of advocates/advisors for anorexia, though, is small compared to the the transgender social media universe. It has introduced a new term, “influencer”. Some of these have high-energy podcasts which encourage trans girls that the trans world is exciting, happy, loving. There are also quiet influencers who seek out new kids who come to the media with questions to invite them into trans groups and befriend them.
Once a girl announces she is “trans”, she knows she cannot change her mind without bringing down on herself the bitterness of everyone who supported her. From 1 in 100,000 of girls being GID, it is has become common to hear high school chatter that 40% identifying as trans or non-binary, and even higher proportions of liberal arts college students.
Gays vs. Trans
A final note, the public was primed to accept that sex/gender was an immutable matter of the mind after years of “born this way” messaging from the gay rights movement. However, there are a crucial, conflicting distinctions which the public does not recognize — “born this way” says that homosexuals cannot change their predilection or feelings; trans says that that one does change their feelings about their body and one’s conception of their gender.
“Born this way” is intended to say that their attraction to the opposite sex is the “way”, not any discomfort with their body. Trans says sexual attraction has nothing to do with transgenderism and that one might be attracted to the one’s own sex or the opposite sex as the trans person glides between male, female, binary, and no gender at all. And, the trans movement is not satisfied with establishing one’s mindset as being gender, it both urges its members to medically transform their body to a state which is closer to the opposite sex (an irreversible action) and holds as a guiding principle the gender identity proclaimed can be changed to other gender identities when the trans person feels differently about it.
Gays often want to blend in and be allowed to live a quiet life with their same-sex partner. Trans seek virtual communities with many other trans people and often revel the attention they receive when non-trans people are told or shown that they are trans – ex., know my new name, use my selected pronouns, unusual dress, hair, and make-up.
Gays are upset about transgenderism, because the public’s new perception that gender is fluid undercuts their “can’t change it” stance, because they think kids are tricked into believing that more than 2 genders exist and easily slides between them, because it neuters sexual activity and stable, committed partnerships, and because medical transitioning is dangerous and disfiguring. They fear a dissolution of transgenderism, which will ultimately redound against the gay rights movement, too, because the public is unclear of the distinctions between the two sex/gender movements.
Documentary videos about Transgenderism’s doctrine, infrastructure, and its appeal and hold on trans kids
“Gender Transformation: The Untold Realities | A Documentary Every Parent Needs to Watch” (Epoch TV – Special Report)
“No Way Back: The reality of Gender-Affirming Care” (Streaming Video home page)|(YouTube Channel – interviews, outtakes, playlists)
“Trans Wreck” It’s about way more than gender” (SalemNOW – subscription documentary)
“Dr. Miriam Grossman How One Doctor’s Lies Built the Gender Industry | Part 1” (Epoch TV – American Thought Leaders episode)
“How Trans Movement Misrepresents Science to Harm Children – Dr. Miriam Grossman” (Epoch TV – Crossroads episode)
“The Lost Boys: Searching for Manhood” (YouTube – The Center for Bioethics and Culture Network)
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