Sunday, March 9, 2025

Examining ‘What is A Woman?’ – Part 2

The Post-Truth World. What Changed?

Postmodernity in 60 seconds

The postmodern movement argued that America is a failed nation because it was built on the false belief that people could rely on logic, rational thought, truth, and Biblical principles to create a fair and just society. They pointed to the horrible injustice of slavery, income inequality, and the oppression of indigenous people and the LGBTQ community throughout America’s history as irrefutable proof that rational thought and the Bible provide the pathway for using power that gave people the ability to cause terrible injustice and exploitation. Postmodernity argued that traditional America used logic, science, and biblical myths to force a false narrative about God, morality, and truth upon the world. This narrative gave power, privilege, and wealth to some as they exploited minority and marginalized communities. Every aspect of traditional American society was corrupt because it was built upon failed intellectual assumptions and needed to be deconstructed and rebuilt into one that’s inclusive, fair, and tolerant.

The Left bought into these arguments and began to imagine a vision of a progressive American society free from the bigotry of Christianity and the domination of logic and rational thought. This vision embraced radical concepts of gender that are a complete departure from the Judeo-Christian influence of traditional America’s binary, heterosexually dominated culture. They want to purge society of traditional concepts of male or female and create one that’s open, tolerant, and accepting of radical new views of a non-binary gender-fluid world.

This may be unthinkable to traditional Americans, but intellectual revolutions are a part of the human experience.

Intellectual revolutions happen throughout human history, and when they do, they question the philosophical foundations of society, causing people to reject their core beliefs and adopt new visions. When core principles change, society changes with them; people reconstruct society to conform to their unique vision. This is precisely what’s happening in America today. The Left bought into the postmodern movement’s challenge of Western civilization, rejected traditional America’s intellectual foundations, embraced a radically new vision, and began a crusade to transform America. The chaos surrounding gender is a product of the Left’s attempts to create a tolerant gender-affirming society.

These transformations are almost impossible for traditional Americans to comprehend. That’s why answering Matt’s questions is nearly impossible until we understand what changed in the mind of the Progressive Left.

What changed?

The Progressive Left embraced the emerging post-truth era and blank-slate social conditioning as the foundational ideas determining gender. These concepts became essential pillars of their worldview when they rejected logic, rational thought, and the Judeo-Christian influence that God created men and women as distinct identities. They consider the binary of male or female an oppressive Judeo-Christian myth created when science, rational thought, and Christianity were given the unwarranted privilege to become the dominant factors people used to define what it means to be a woman. In their eyes, binary gender was an invented idea forced upon humanity by intolerant religious bigots who favored logic, protected patriarchy, and oppressed the LGBTQ community by imposing their unsubstantiated religious views upon the world.

Today the Left relies on the post-truth use of feelings and emotions coupled with the theory of social conditioning to define gender. This new paradigm, post-truth social conditioning, is antithetical to rational thought and science, creating concepts of gender that are wholly incompatible with traditional America. Progressives want to make this the norm for America as they reconstruct our institutions to conform to their vision. Here’s how this works.


The Progressive Left has become post-truth, replacing logic and critical thinking with the use of feelings, emotions, and preferences to determine what is “real.” They reject using facts, logic, science, and rational thought as the primary sources to gain reliable information and reach accurate conclusions about the world. They see facts as nothing more than subjective interpretations of experiences. People use these interpretations to defend agendas that give them the power to oppress marginalized and LGBTQ communities. The Left relies on feelings as the ultimate measure to determine reality. They became post-truth after they accepted the criticisms the postmodern philosophers argued in their attempt to discredit the reliance on logic and rational thought.

The postmodern movement said science, data, facts, and critical thinking are all simply opinions about the world that are the product of an oppressive era of Judeo-Christian dominance. Facts aren’t truth claims that determine reality because truth is an illusion. There is no single truth, only opinions and interpretations of the world that people use to gain and protect power. Since there is no truth that everyone agrees on, there are no facts, only subjective interpretations that people use to protect their agendas.

If facts were corrupt, logic was corrupt because it relied on these so-called “facts” to arrive at conclusions. Postmodernity declared that logic and rational thought were dishonest intellectual tools because they were based on the false assumption that facts were truth statements that conveyed reliable information about the world. Believing these arguments, the Left rejected facts, data, science, logic, and rational thought as the primary intellectual tools people use to determine what is real and accurate about the world, which left them in need of another method to determine their reality.

Rejecting facts and rational thought, the Left became post-truth, relying on their feelings, emotions, and preferences as the primary tools to determine what’s “real” and “accurate” about the world. People rely on their feelings and emotions to confirm their beliefs and decide what’s real for them, you, and society. “Reality” for the Left is that which conforms to their feelings and is confirmed by their emotions, regardless of whether facts, science, and rational thought demonstrate otherwise. They believe something is accurate based on their feelings, not whether it’s been proven or verified by another method of analysis. The post-truth approach to determining “reality’ is becoming the method more and more people rely on to confirm their interpretations of the world.

Read Part 1| Stay tuned for part 3

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  • Chuck Mason

    Chuck Mason graduated with an MDiv from Fuller Theological Seminary. He's a culture warrior and a wilderness adventure addict who seeks solitude in wide-open spaces and the comfort of any backwoods without internet access. Chuck is also a proud father of two sons and the author of "How Do I Talk to my Kids about Social Justice". This new resource equips parents to fight the woke indoctrination of their kids in public schools. If you’re looking for help fighting the culture war, you can find more resources here on our Battleground: Ideas website -

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Chuck Mason
Chuck Mason
Chuck Mason graduated with an MDiv from Fuller Theological Seminary. He's a culture warrior and a wilderness adventure addict who seeks solitude in wide-open spaces and the comfort of any backwoods without internet access. Chuck is also a proud father of two sons and the author of "How Do I Talk to my Kids about Social Justice". This new resource equips parents to fight the woke indoctrination of their kids in public schools. If you’re looking for help fighting the culture war, you can find more resources here on our Battleground: Ideas website -
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