Sunday, February 23, 2025

Examining ‘What is A Woman’? Part 1

A History & Background

Here’s to Matt Walsh and The Daily Wire for producing a documentary that can’t find an answer to one of the most straightforward questions we’ve ever asked during our collective human experience. There’s no other way to state this. What is a Woman? fails its one simple, singular purpose.

Which makes it one of the most important documentaries of the year.

What is a Woman?’s inability to find its answer confronts us with the chaos surrounding gender, revealing how radically America’s foundations are being transformed. It’s a wake-up call for the culture war, daring us to accept that we’re losing the ability to define the fundamental concepts intrinsic to who we are. It shows us that something is happening to America, something we can’t or don’t want to comprehend. It screams that we’re not in Kansas anymore, and it’s only the beginning.

Kindergarten drag queen story hour is indoctrinating our kids. Progressives refuse to define a woman; they demand that biological men use women’s locker rooms, allowing them to demolish women’s athletics, then label the rejection of this “reality” trans-genocide as Whitehouse press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre did. Radicals are deconstructing the social architecture of gender in America, unilaterally rejecting the binary of male or female while imposing the radical gender spectrum on every American. Something’s rotten in the States of America.

Something happened to the mind of the Progressive Left. Matt feels it. We feel it. Something has changed, but people don’t know what it is. Matt recognizes eight minutes into the documentary:

“It’s a simple question. So why is it so hard to answer? This is going to take some serious investigation. For all of human existence, women were understood to be a certain thing. So what changed?”

So, what changed? This is the critical question. What’s causing the Progressive Left to deconstruct the traditional understanding of gender accepted by 99.5% of Americans who identify with the binary male or female that aligns with their chromosomes. What’s causing the Left to impose a new, extreme ideological position on the country, and how do we even begin to understand it?

These are difficult questions, and the answers can only be found by exploring the radical ideas of the postmodern movement that influenced the Progressive Left to break from traditional America and adopt a radical new vision of gender in society. That’s a journey through philosophy and the history of ideas to understand the profound changes to the fundamental concepts the Left use to determine what is real and acceptable in our society.

The History

The Left adopted radical ideas to define gender in society when the postmodern philosophical movement challenged the entire intellectual framework of knowledge and morality for traditional America. Postmodernity caused a quiet yet devastating intellectual revolution that’s causing more and more people to abandon the fundamental principles that are the basis for traditional America and embrace a progressive vision of society.  America is the product of the influence of logic and rational thought guided by Judeo-Christian principles; together, their influence created one of the most successful societies in human history. Yet America is by no means perfect and, like any society, has flaws that lead to very dark periods in its history. Postmodern philosophers claimed these flaws and dark periods were stark evidence that America’s reliance on rational thought and the Judeo-Christian worldview created a corrupt and oppressive society. They rejected the validity of logic, Christianity, and the traditional America they made and began their movement to deconstruct America’s intellectual foundations and institutions.

Progressives bought the postmodern narrative and began to deconstruct traditional America’s biblically influenced society.  They replaced rational thought and the Judeo-Christian worldview with radical new concepts and paradigms that they used to redefine basic principles and institutions.  These radical new ideas are precisely what changed and are the influence behind the radical gender ideology they’re imposing on America. The Left is on a crusade to create a Progressive America, free from the influence of Judeo-Christian bigotry and the narrowminded constraints of logic and rational thought.

It’s almost impossible to understand the chaos surrounding gender if you don’t understand the ideas that drive gender ideology. The only way to understand them is by taking a short journey through the philosophical transformations to understand the radical new principles the Left uses to guide them. Once we understand the transformations, we can answer the questions: What changed? And what is a woman?

The Background

For most of America’s history, Americans on both the Right and Left shared foundational ideas we used to help us determine what’s real about the world and guide us as we order society.  We agreed on a set of fundamental principles to define what it means to be a woman, which is why women have been understood to be a certain thing throughout history. We agreed on the definition because we used the same ideas and intellectual methods to define what a woman is. But the ideas people use to define the foundations of their society are subject to change; they’re never fixed. Philosophical revolutions challenge perspectives and introduce new ideas that transform concepts as fundamental as what it means to be a woman.

We’re living through a philosophical revolution that’s completely reordering the intellectual landscape of the American Left. They’ve rejected the agreed-upon methods traditional America used to define gender, adopting a radical set of beliefs and theories about what it means to be a woman that is entirely antithetical to the views accepted by humanity throughout its history. The Progressive Left uses new intellectual methods and paradigms to define gender as utterly antithetical to those traditionally used worldwide.

This is precisely why Matt Matt can’t get a straight answer (I’ll take the pun) to this simple question. What is a Woman? reveals just how radically the moral paradigm of the Left has departed from traditional America. The departure is a product of the influence of the postmodern movement that challenged the ideas traditional America uses to comprehend the world.

Stay tuned for parts 2 and 3 of the series…

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  • Chuck Mason

    Chuck Mason graduated with an MDiv from Fuller Theological Seminary. He's a culture warrior and a wilderness adventure addict who seeks solitude in wide-open spaces and the comfort of any backwoods without internet access. Chuck is also a proud father of two sons and the author of "How Do I Talk to my Kids about Social Justice". This new resource equips parents to fight the woke indoctrination of their kids in public schools. If you’re looking for help fighting the culture war, you can find more resources here on our Battleground: Ideas website -

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Chuck Mason
Chuck Mason
Chuck Mason graduated with an MDiv from Fuller Theological Seminary. He's a culture warrior and a wilderness adventure addict who seeks solitude in wide-open spaces and the comfort of any backwoods without internet access. Chuck is also a proud father of two sons and the author of "How Do I Talk to my Kids about Social Justice". This new resource equips parents to fight the woke indoctrination of their kids in public schools. If you’re looking for help fighting the culture war, you can find more resources here on our Battleground: Ideas website -
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