Sunday, February 23, 2025

Silence of Government: You’re Being Poisoned by Your Food

As I rummage through the now restocked grocery store shelves (partially restocked that is), I notice something. Lots of people are also in the store, and many of them don’t look very healthy. In fact, some of them look downright sick. Trained in some traditional Chinese medicine, I see the glare of deep rooted disease in almost every person from young to old. As people go about picking their favorite chemically concocted cereal or fully processed and preserved nitrate laden meat, most people do not stop to think what they are doing to their bodies.

The average American cannot pronounce half the ingredients listed in your standard American diet. Yet those ingredients are supposedly safe for consumption. What is remarkable is that we have been warned. Concerned citizens, doctors, and scientists alike have been sounding the alarm since the inception of chemicals, medical prophylactic interventions, and farming practices that have been changed in tandem with our system of education. And we all know our education system is more and more suspect each day, but I digress. It seems that much of our nutritional evaluation of packaged and processed food is fabricated like that of socialism (read “The Fabian Society” for more information). In the name of “science”, we are destroying our planet which in turn is destroying our food supply which in turn is destroying our bodies and minds. Sadly, much of our “progress” is deeply rooted in scientific fraud that undermines all logic.

Before waking up to the nonsense of the world, I once survived on fast food and cola. My twenties looked dismal compared to my forties. It took me years to un-do the lifestyle of convenience and yet, when I look at my blood under the microscope, I see very apparent signs of un-aging. If you are an average forty-year-old, you have consumed more than 40,000 meals in your lifetime. How many of those meals have provided nourishment to your cells necessary for replenishment, reproduction, and regeneration? If a good portion of your diet consists of boxed, canned, and/or ready made food, proper nourishment of your cells isn’t happening. We have “microwaved” and “convenienced” ourselves into the oblivion of disease. Are you sick and tired of feeling sick and tired?

There are people walking around with nerve damage simply from eating processed foods. Pause here. If they simply ate clean, whole foods; their lives would change. Of course, it’s not so easy. There is a system in place that is working against them. It is a power hungry, money hungry criminal called government. I won’t blame it on corporations because our government has every opportunity to put the brakes on mega corporations, pharmaceutical companies, and food producers, and they have chosen not to do so. According to the FDA, adverse reactions to prescription drugs cause 100,000 deaths per year. This makes it the 4th leading cause of death. That is over five times the number of deaths from heroin, yet the problem is ignored in our country. Our government, in theory, is designed to protect us; instead they have thrown us to the wolves and are still barreling down that road.

Let me guide you through a winding road of governmental and scientific failures that makes it hard for you to get up in the morning and go about your day. Have you actually read the ingredient lists on the food packages you buy? You’ll see things like sugar, fructose, sucralose, corn syrup, maltodextrin, and other forms of sugar that can come from a variety of sources. It is hard to find a prepackaged food without sugar. Not only is it a staple, it is increasing in amounts by the year. In 1917s, the average person consumed 17.5 pounds of sugar a year, today, it is over 70 pounds, over 100 if you are an American teen. To quote the U.S. Department of Agriculture, “In 1822, the average American ate in 5 days the amount of sugar found in one of today’s 12-ounce sodas. Now, we eat that much every 7 hours!” Here is the thing that most people are unaware of; 1 molecule of sugar uses up 56 molecules of magnesium. Magnesium is responsible for over 300 enzymatic functions in your body. For example, magnesium helps to ensure that calcium goes to your bones rather than your tissues or organs. This, in turn, helps prevent hardened arteries. Essentially this happens because magnesium assists in the activation of vitamin D. This will help regulate calcium and phosphate homeostasis which will influence the growth and maintenance of bones. It may help you have regular bowel movements and feel calmer in stressful situations. But the game changer is gene maintenance: a means of helping to create and repair DNA and RNA. Put simply, it helps to regulate muscle and nerve function, blood sugar levels, blood pressure and making protein, bone, and DNA.

The artificial sweeteners that we were told were the answer to obesity are no better. When you eat an artificial sweetener, anything you put into your body for the next 2 and half hours will turn to fat. This cannot be ignored. According to the CDC, 41.9% of the American population is obese, and this number is trending upward. Sugar and artificial sweeteners are not entirely to blame.

Since World War II, the food production process has changed drastically, particularly with the introduction of widespread use of herbicides and pesticides. Glyphosate is widely used both as an herbicide at the beginning, during planting (to kill weeds), and at the end before the harvest (to dry out the crop for a faster harvest). Want to learn more about glyphosate? Check out Stephanie Seneff, PhD and her research out of MIT. Look her up; it is worth it. Also note, there are currently multiple lawsuits against Monsanto, the creator of glyphosate. Lesser known, but wider used herbicide atrazine is no better. Some 80 million pounds are applied annually in the United States on corn and sorghum to control weeds and increase crop yield, but such widespread use also makes atrazine the most common herbicide contaminant of ground and surface water. Research is showing that this herbicide interferes with endocrine hormones, such as estrogen and testosterone. It changes male frogs into female frogs. A study demonstrated this by putting lower than accepted exposure levels (thank you, EPA) in a tank with frogs. Out of 40 male frogs, 30 were castrated by the chemical, 4 turned into females and produced fertile eggs. Perhaps there is a correlation between that and the drop in testosterone we are seeing in our male population or even the escalating and increasingly concerning gender confusion we are seeing? While I certainly can’t answer that question, it does make one wonder.

Avoiding wheat is not just about an allergy. Have you ever wondered how the flour you cook with gets so white? There is a chemical called Alloxan that is used in science research to destroy the beta cells on the pancreas of test animals to create diabetes in order to understand diabetes better. It seems legit. After all, it is in the name of science. This is where it gets really interesting. When making bleached flour, chlorine gas is used to whiten, disinfect, and break down protein structures to improve baking qualities.  Its a way to quickly generate the baking qualities that would take natural aging several months to accomplish. The chlorine gas and various oxides of chloride are believed to combine with xantophylls in flour, producing alloxan – the very thing used to induce diabetes.  If its killing the beta cells in animals, why would it be any different in the human body?

These chemicals, products and processes are just a few examples. The list could go on and on. So what can we do? Look for ingredients that are simple with names you can pronounce; i.e., organic flour. If it has anything added or taken away, walk away. Stop letting convenience get in the way of feeling well. Also, take a moment to visualize the future and ask yourself this question – how would you prefer to see yourself at the age of 80? Would you prefer life in a wheel chair, hoping a grandchild (or even worse, a nameless stranger clocking in and out of your nursing home) cares for you? Or would you rather see yourself upright, active, enjoying your life and chasing after those grandchildren? The choice is yours. We have the ability to change the food options we buy and eat with or without our government. If you stop buying bad food, better options will become available because manufacturers will invest where they see an opportunity for returns. Individually, if you invest in your health, the returns are even greater! We can do this. And we don’t need the government!

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Dr. Stephanie Coxon
Dr. Stephanie Coxon
Stephanie Coxon is a mother of five and a medical freedom activist. She sits on the steering committee for PCIC ( and for Right Minded Women. After graduating at the age of 19 with a BS in Marketing, she went on to get an MBA in International Business. After 13 years of teaching at the collegiate level, she went on for a Ph.D. in Instructional Leadership and Management. During this period, she also started learning about natural health and was certified as a Natural Health Professional. Continuing down the natural medicine road, she became a Board Certified Traditional Naturopath and partnered with an MD to create a practice that focuses on holistic health. Currently, she manages a holistic medical practice and works with people to create a wellness lifestyle and regain their health.
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