Sunday, February 23, 2025

Protect Pennsylvania Elections (Leah Hoopes / Greg Stenstrom)

We are fighting not only the left but also the Uni Party that has developed. This has been a continous battle for us to fight and protect our votes. WE NEED YOU to join us in our fight and take back our Country. WE ARE THE ONLY SURVIVING LAWSUIT IN PA!! Myself , Gregory Stenstrom and many other Patriots, have volunteered our time, risked our lives at a great cost to our reputation, our families and to our well being. We have been honored to play this role and truly feel God has his hand in this, and has led us into a battle. A spiritual battle, in which we can not cower. For months our Watchdog group investigated our County Board of Elections, their consultants and other support staff. What we found was suspect enough to dig further. Greg and I were both observers/pollwatchers in Delaware County, Pennsylvania on November 3rd  and for days following the election. Not only were we not allowed to enter a back room at the Central Counting center, where by law we were allowed to be, but also we were met with hostility, angst and unfair treatment.

It took, 3 days, an injunction and persistence to get us back into that room. After this fiasco , we continued working with the  Trump Campaign, Project Amistad and many other big names who transcribed the events and our declarations. We were asked by Senator Mastriano to be witnesses in Gettysburg and to sit on a panel in front of the Senate Committee . Rudy Giuliani, and Jenna Ellis took on this fight, except the issue was that we were never sworn in. Our statements, declarations and evidence were not submitted into a Court of law. Even still, we remained persistent and made connections . We have been on multiple news media stations including Steve Bannon’s War room, NewsMax, Lou Dobbs, Hannity and local radio shows such as Don Beishl in Philadelphia.  Pleading to many lawyers to take our case, they told us they were afraid of being disbarred and harrassed.  Greg and I  have been harrassed by the Attorney General Josh Shapiro’s agents, and I was visited by the FBI secondary to false reports. Exhausting all avenues including speaking to US Attorney William McSwain, writing and informing the District Attorney’s office and Attorney General Shapiro.


We finally were put into the path of our wonderful attorney Deborah Frankle Silver, a God loving , passionate , warrior who has become a trusted friend. Through fundraising we were able to retain her and get her legal fees paid. We filed our petition in the Delaware County Court of Common pleas. During this time we were graciously provided with 2 Ex FBI agents now private investigators to assist us in discovery . They interviewed judges of elections, minority inspectors, and plenty of witnesses.  They were met with vile and aggressive behavior when attempting to interview any Board of Elections workers. This case comprises of a fraud examiner, data forensic scientist, fraud specialists, a whistleblower, witnesses and many Americans who have assisted us with this case, we have a mountain of evidence, but have been denied to be heard. 

Our case was not only thrown out, but an evidentiary hearing was denied, AND NO DAY IN COURT. The Judge ( Republican mind you) excoriated us in his opinion , saying our lawyer had unclean hands, her actions were contemptbile and we did not have a scintila of evidence. He opened the flood gates as well for the defendant to seek sanctions. The Delaware County Board of Elections solicitor filed asking from us for $19,224.56 for their legal fees. This is what they call a SLAPP (strategic lawsuit against public paritcipation) suit, this is nothing more than an infringement of our 1st Amendemnt right to file a petition and intimidation. Our fearless and wonderful lawyer is still in the fight. We have all been praying for direction and for us to have our day in Court. We are regular working class people with families of our own, who did their civic duty and want people to be held accountable for breaking the law. This case was appealed in the Commonwealth Court , sanctions dropped, we were recognized as intervenors, and they agreed with lower court , so we appealed to the PA SUPREME COURT , they would not take the appeal. And now we are headed to SCOTUS.

Our second case , which is a spoliation case that involves witnesses, and whistleblowers, audio and video evidence included and front loaded to the docket to Delaware County Court of Common Pleas.  WE are being sued by a public official for defamation in Philadelphia County PA, we are being targeted by everyone including the news media, the Biden Administration, DOJ, Clinton Foundation and many more….. God has intervened many times, has led us through some very difficult times. Our businesses have suffered tremendously , we have spent countless days and hours away from our family and loved ones. But this is our fight and we must carry on anyway. . People from all over the State and Country have reached out to say they want to get involved or help. So now we are asking you to please get involved and help us in this fight of a lifetime. We want to leave this Earth knowing that we did not give in to the evil, that we did not give in to the cancel culture and that we will carry on together . . God bless you, and thank you for hearing our story.

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Ken Layng
Ken Layng
Ken Layng is the founder and Executive Editor of The Liberty Lens. The Liberty Lens aims to become characterized by it’s mantra, “News from The Grassroots for A Worldview Grounded in Truth”. Ken is also the founder of Lions for Liberty, a group that aims to help employees and students of companies and universities form alliances to oppose the ideas that oppose liberty. Lions for Liberty seeks to cultivate and empower a resilient grass roots network of non-partisan liberty-minded individuals who are organized to oppose infringements of liberty, push back against false narratives, and provide a platform for the voices of liberty.
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