The Liberty Lens is necessarily similar in some ways to other sources of news, information, and messaging. What’s important is how we’re unique:
- We don’t relegate citizen journalism to the echo chambers of Facebook groups and Telegram channels. True citizen journalism is impossible on platforms that don’t respect the basic premises of the Constitution and the First Amendment.
- We are not a blog platform. Blogs certainly have a place, but at The Liberty Lens, contributors report news. They also receive the benefit of traffic to a news site. We are “News from The Grassroots for A Worldview Grounded in Truth“.
- While there are certainly alternative sources for news presenting the Conservative viewpoint on issues, they generally don’t give YOU the ability to be a contributor.
- The vast majority of alternative conservative news sources do not provide coverage of local issues.
- The vast majority of local news sources do not provide accurate fair, or complete coverage.
- Eventually we will add “locale” to stories and user profiles which will enable users to have a filtered view for their local content.
- In short, The Liberty Lens enables true citizen journalism, whether you intend to write often or only occasionally.
Any one of the items above on its own might somewhat be interesting as a differentiator, but it’s the combination of all of these things that makes the idea of The Liberty Lens so compelling. Imagine the change this would drive, if adopted at scale.