Sunday, March 9, 2025

A Silk Road Forgotten

Why the presidential pardon of Ross Ulbricht is important for all Americans.

While walking in a zombie-like state through 2013, I was completely unaware of a massive event playing out in financial tyranny.  I was still in my “most politicians were good” phase despite clear concerns with every president since Kennedy. It was so bad, I also thought that big pharma was researching their way for the best interests of citizens… but I digress.  A pardon came from President Trump this week that brought me back to 2013 and woke me up to how corrupt our government is not only in medicine, but in finances as well.  Perhaps like me, many of you have forgotten or never heard the name, Ross Ulbricht, the creator of the “Silk Road” website.  Regardless, he is free after 12 years.  So let’s talk bitcoin for just a moment and understand why this pardon is so important for every American citizen.

Ulbricht should really be referred to as the ultimate American hero.  To wit, we have been oppressed by our government through finances and health, to just name two.  They are continuing to architect ways to watch us, tax us, track us, and control us… all to ensure not a single opportunity is missed to tax the populous.  Every penny spent lights up the eyes of the politicians as they count the tax dollars flowing in from every possible angle.  Ulbricht simply used a tool to circumvent this oppressive system.  He created a flourishing marketplace, not unlike Etsy.  His crime?  Allowing users in this marketplace to barter using bitcoin rather than the fake fiat system that allows the government to take their pound in flesh.  He believed in freedom like many of us who have woken up to the deep state crescendos that have been hidden for far too long.

Like the olden days of town squares bartering and trade, this guy created a central space on the internet for open and unencumbered commerce.  A principled 26-year-old business genius with principles created a way for anonymous citizens to trade goods using bitcoin as the currency.  How many of us have traded with a friend or neighbor?  There was no illegal activity on his behalf despite false allegations by our own government.  The site officially “prohibited child pornography, violent services, stolen property, and generally anything used to ‘harm or defraud’ others,” according to Did illegal items get exchanged, yes (much like Etsy), however, according to a study by Carnegie Mellon University it was mostly marijuana for personal use (something that is now legal in many states and otherwise largely ignored across society and law).   But let’s say there were larger illegalities happening, what should the punishment be?  If we are talking about Biden-Era standards of criminals, he should be in and out of jail in a week (especially with the release of criminals during the Covid Era lockdowns). Instead, this nonviolent, first offense (non) criminal was served up a double life sentence on a silver platter without parole.  He would have been better to murder a group of people than disrupt the tax burden of the American people.

This is not okay. More people were hurt by Martha Stewart’s insider trading than by this young kid’s flourishing website and yet Martha spent the majority of her sentence at home being served steak and lobster.  Nonetheless, the allegations against Ulbricht were thrown out like spaghetti to a wall to see what sticks and none of it held.  This entrapped individual had zero charges from these allegations, yet was sentenced as if he blew up the White House.

In addition to the ridiculous accusations and sentencing, the judge seemed to be using the divisive Obama rhetoric of “privilege” in the sentencing. While it is indirect, it is strange that the sentencing was harsher due to the perceived notion of what could be taken as “white privilege.” Five times in the 30-page document, the word was used.  I guess him being born white and male is a double lifetime sentence against him . . . because he had control over that (hint of sarcasm).  It is unfortunate that his brain was more ingenious than the judge who completely demonstrated abuse of power only because she had it.  Perhaps she could be a stand in to finish out his sentence. That seems like the only justice to be had in this case, after all, how do you get 12 years back?

When we talk about the weaponization of our justice department, this guy’s name should be at the top of the list.  This is an American hero who scared our corrupt government and almost freed us from the bondage of our oppressors.  Our forefathers, who stood up to similar tyranny and gross taxation, would be proud. Today, I celebrate the liberation of one freedom fighter who showed us that things can be different.  Maybe it is just me, but perhaps we shouldn’t be thrown in jail for bartering that cup of sugar with our neighbor.

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  • Dr. Stephanie Coxon

    Stephanie Coxon is a mother of five and a medical freedom activist. She sits on the steering committee for PCIC ( and for Right Minded Women. After graduating at the age of 19 with a BS in Marketing, she went on to get an MBA in International Business. After 13 years of teaching at the collegiate level, she went on for a Ph.D. in Instructional Leadership and Management. During this period, she also started learning about natural health and was certified as a Natural Health Professional. Continuing down the natural medicine road, she became a Board Certified Traditional Naturopath and partnered with an MD to create a practice that focuses on holistic health. Currently, she manages a holistic medical practice and works with people to create a wellness lifestyle and regain their health.

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Dr. Stephanie Coxon
Dr. Stephanie Coxon
Stephanie Coxon is a mother of five and a medical freedom activist. She sits on the steering committee for PCIC ( and for Right Minded Women. After graduating at the age of 19 with a BS in Marketing, she went on to get an MBA in International Business. After 13 years of teaching at the collegiate level, she went on for a Ph.D. in Instructional Leadership and Management. During this period, she also started learning about natural health and was certified as a Natural Health Professional. Continuing down the natural medicine road, she became a Board Certified Traditional Naturopath and partnered with an MD to create a practice that focuses on holistic health. Currently, she manages a holistic medical practice and works with people to create a wellness lifestyle and regain their health.
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