Sunday, October 6, 2024

Pole Shift: A Retrospective and A Prospective on National Values

The Existential Threat to America

Several years ago, I read several books and articles about pole shift. Pole shift is the phenomenon that occurs every twenty thousand years or so in which the actual magnetic poles of the earth shift. This shift may be gradual and slight, or it may be sudden and dramatic, resulting in a complete shifting of north to south. A sudden profound shift would result in cataclysmic earth changes; much of earth’s land life would be lost, subdued under violent ocean changes, massive tidal waves that would encroach far inland upon all the major land masses of our planet. Some scientists have said that such a pole shift is long overdue, but no one really knows for sure.

Since March of 2020 a metaphorical pole shift has taken place. A pole shift not of physical proportions but nonetheless dramatic to be sure. It seems to me that the shift that has occurred is a shift in the thinking of people all across the United States. Its adherents found in all levels of government, and it is embraced by many citizens endorsing the shift of the political machines.

Following COVID-19, the world began to shift in many ways. There are some scientists that believe that the dramatic pole shift may be preceded by several minor shifts. Prior to 2020, it had been becoming increasingly apparent that there were significant elements in the country that did not want a president who stood up proudly for America. These elements were apparently dissatisfied with a president who, unlike his predecessors, had not been a career politician, did not want to apologize for the nation, wanted to work to restore America’s preeminence in the world; one who wished to preserve her sovereignty, preserve her borders and bring back self-sufficiency to her shores.

Instead of rallying behind the president in a show of national unity, forces within and without the media, began to malign his efforts. Forces, I think, that viewed his efforts as a subterfuge of their own parochial interests. Many people, believing the daily harangues of The New York Times, the Washington Post, the Daily News, CNN, MSNBC, among others, which sought to undermine his presidency at every turn, began to turn against him. Many, without seeming provocation, voiced their hatred of the man.

Then came the pandemic. Upon the heels of an attempt to remove him from office, the president, still reeling from this debacle, had to deal with the encroaching disease. In a timely fashion, he closed borders, suspended air flights to and from China, then Europe, to no avail, it seemed to his detractors. Admittedly, this disease, which was termed novel by the scientists themselves, had not been seen before. Mistakes would be made in dealing with it. Yet, when errors were made due to a lack of common sense, such as the gross mishandling of the nursing home patients in New York State by Governor Andrew Cuomo, who urged COVID patients to return to their residences thereby infecting thousands of at-risk elderly, resulting in thousands of needless deaths, the president was blamed. When former President Trump, who under the Constitution was clearly within his rights to act for the nation during a national emergency, ceded his authority to the states, he was blamed for their errors nonetheless.  The Navy hospital ship, the Javits Center in Manhattan, and the Franklin Graham make-shift hospital in New York’s Central Park, were virtually unused, when they could have been made to serve patients from the five boroughs and indeed from the state at large, quarantining patients until they would no longer be able to spread the virus.

The lockdown and near-complete closing of the economy of the United States, decimated the country in ways that are only now being made manifest. Throughout most of the world, countries closed down in similar fashion. When the president ventured dates for beginning to reopen the economy, he was again maligned by the press. Nobody, not even the supposed experts like Dr Anthony Fauci knew for sure what to do, when to reopen, whether to wear masks or not, whether to resume national sports, whether to open schools. Even now, there is vast uncertainty about many of these questions. And yet President Trump, who is not a scientist, was chastised when he offered his opinion about matters of national importance, such as reopening the economy.

And then there was the death of George Floyd at the hands of an apparently unbalanced Minneapolis police officer. The reactions that followed were totally out of proportion, given what had happened. Alleged protests became the most horrible riots, with destruction on a nationwide scale that had not been heretofore witnessed. Property worth billions of dollars was destroyed, New York City’s midtown was reduced to what looked like a war zone, people were attacked, and even killed, and gross mayhem ensued. Areas of cities in New York, Portend, Oregon, and Seattle, Washington, were illegally occupied. Statues, representing heroes of the Civil War, on both sides of that conflict, of Columbus, Grant, and others, were wantonly torn down and destroyed, buildings were set fire to, police vehicles were fire-bombed, fires were set, and massive looting occurred as well.

And yet, the reactions of the stewards of these cities, mayors like most notably Bill deBlasio in New York, Laurie Lightfoot of Chicago, Jenny Durkin of Seattle, instead of doing everything they could to prevent further mayhem, in the name of calling these actions “peaceful  protests,” actually encouraged them. With all the destruction and flagrant disregard of private property that was ensuing, police were told to stand-down, not perform arrests, departments were not called upon and actually defunded, crime task-forces were disbanded, as in New York City, with the result that even today, neighborhoods that were once considered safe, are seeing increases in crime of well over 100%, police are being murdered and molested, the elderly are being randomly assaulted, and all manner of minor crimes are increasing. New York State’s and several other states’ removal of cash-bail from all but the most serious of crimes has resulted in a turn-key system of justice, where, if there should be arrests for misdemeanors  (some of which, as in the case of some assaults, were once considered felonies), the perpetrators are booked and released even on the same day. Many minor criminals were released from Rikers Island under the pretext of their contracting COVID-19.

Many of the horrors that are occurring appear to be sanctioned, in the name of Black Lives Matter. The awful miscarriage of justice that occurred at that time, as one St Louis couple, their gate to their property having been broken by an angry mob, who were visibly menacing them, threatening to occupy their house as well as their premises, attempted to defend themselves by brandishing legally held weapons, is ongoing. Several police, doing their jobs lawfully in pursuing the arrest of a perpetrator clearly threatening them with bodily harm, even to the point of taking the police weapon from them, have endured felony arrests or at best, deprived of their livelihood.

And as all this insanity ensues, the country, if not the world, continues in this metaphorical pole shift of values. Statistical polls declare that the former president could lose again to aa candidate who exemplifies the corruption that President Trump himself was wrongly accused of, and who, at best, is showing clear signs of early-onset dementia. Perpetrators of wanton destruction remain at large, are not arrested, and in the name of attacking police brutality by eliminating police, crime is skyrocketing throughout the nation.

When the president offered help in the name of national troops, the national guard (employed by the state governors), and national troops sent to protect Federal properties, such aid was declined by the mayors of the respective cities, even to the point of declaring that such help would have represented an expression of totalitarianism.

The disharmony that had been artificially fomented between the races, the vitriol against the police, most of whom are good and decent people doing a thankless and dangerous job, because of a precious few bad apples, the unwillingness to open certain businesses, and the restrictions imposed which were so severe as to virtually ensure they would never be able to recover, the imposition of harsh penalties on those at parties or in stores, should they have  failed  to wear masks or maintain social distancing, while simultaneously declaring that  “protests” would not fall under the same umbrella,  the restrictions against large populations in churches while not imposing like ones on gambling casinos, the jeopardizing of children by adamantly refusing to open schools, the failure thereby to take into consideration the rights and responsibilities of parents needing  to work, the assumption that poorer or less-educated parents would be  able to structure learning at home whether they possessed  the technological equipment or expertise to do so or not, the willful endangerment of the populace at large, be they middle-class whites or poor blacks in the several neighborhoods of the city, the refusal to reopen mental health clinics despite the increased necessity for their services in light of the pandemic and the lockdown, these and many other ills that have occurred and continue every day in a world that is seeing its values turn upside down, must give us pause.

I have already expressed my view that I believe that there are forces afoot that are working toward insurrection and the imposition of a communist overthrow of the government. The lessons of history, the desire to “cancel culture,” the revision of history through destruction of historical artifacts, the wanton destruction of property, and the terrorism that is ensuing, have all occurred before, many times in the past century, in the name of Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot, among others. Whether you agree with me or not, however old or young you may be, you need to see that nothing like this has ever happened in the United States. This is something vastly different. If you care about your country, if you care about liberty, you must reject the notion of “the new normal.” There will be a real choice in November of 2024. The 2024 election will not be about Donald Trump versus Joe Biden. It will be about socialist totalitarianism versus freedom. A vote for the Democrat ticket is a vote for mob control, oppression of all in the name of equality, and the end of the world as we knew and know it; a vote for Trump is a vote for the Republic, a vote for free enterprise, for the rights of the individual, a vote for freedom. Let us discard our fears, vote in person, reject lock-down, unmask the guilty, and restore the poles when we go to the polls.

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  • John DeSantis

    John DeSantis is a retired New York City teacher who lived the better part of his years in the borough of the Bronx prior to relocating to northeast Pennsylvania five years ago. In addition to teaching ] high school mathematics for almost fifteen years, he spent sixteen years teaching special education in the same NYC system. During those years he taught travel training, special reading and mathematics to mentally disabled high school students. The capstone of his career was a three-year involvement in a pilot program for the severely and profoundly multiply handicapped. He had an opportunity to employ many principles of behavior modification there with great success. Since his retirement, he has divided his time between tutoring, pursuing a doctorate in English Literature and writing. He has written two plays, several short stories, numerous essays, memoirs and poetry.His poetry has been published in almost a score of anthologies.

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John DeSantis
John DeSantis
John DeSantis is a retired New York City teacher who lived the better part of his years in the borough of the Bronx prior to relocating to northeast Pennsylvania five years ago. In addition to teaching ] high school mathematics for almost fifteen years, he spent sixteen years teaching special education in the same NYC system. During those years he taught travel training, special reading and mathematics to mentally disabled high school students. The capstone of his career was a three-year involvement in a pilot program for the severely and profoundly multiply handicapped. He had an opportunity to employ many principles of behavior modification there with great success. Since his retirement, he has divided his time between tutoring, pursuing a doctorate in English Literature and writing. He has written two plays, several short stories, numerous essays, memoirs and poetry.His poetry has been published in almost a score of anthologies.
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