Sunday, October 6, 2024

Marxists Despise Masculinity

America is facing crisis of masculinity. Leftists/Marxists are trying to drive masculine people from the culture. Male and female aren’t synonymous with masculinity and femininity. Male and female, sex, is what the body is, biologically speaking. Male or female, as determined by DNA, doesn’t change. Masculinity and femininity are choices to live and think a certain way. Male and female are physical qualities; masculinity and femininity are cultural and spiritual qualities.

Males and females display both masculine and feminine qualities. Everyone at times displays both masculine and feminine traits. Masculine traits are more analytical, protective, and logical; feminine traits are more emotional, nurturing, and creative. There is an appropriate time for both, depending on the situation. Your six-year-old son breaks his arm; it’s not time to tell him to “Man up.” He needs nurture from Dad and Mom. Thinking isn’t better than feeling, and feeling isn’t better than thinking. But Marxists and Leftists don’t want masculinity in the culture.

Broadly speaking, America is comprised of Thinkers (left-brain dominant people who are more analytical, logical, and masculine) and Feelers (who are right-brain dominant people who are more emotional, creative, nurturing, and feminine). Females tend to be “Feelers” while the majority of males are “Thinkers”. Most mathematicians, engineers, scientists, plumbers, and accountants are male. Most elementary school teachers and nurses are women. Again, both think and feel. This is more a distinction about what plays the greater role in behavior and decision-making.

Masculine/Thinkers/Conservatives, male and female, are objective. They make decisions based on facts. They’re ruled by their head, not their heart. Thinkers judge situations and others based on logic and reason. They value truth over political correctness and easily identify defects. They’re problem solvers who follow the scientific method and use critical thinking—deep thinking that gets to the root cause of a problem. Thinkers make decisions based on what’s right, on objective criteria, and on general – often biblical and legal – principles. “Thinker” doesn’t mean a person is without emotion; it’s a matter of degree. Thinking dominates their feelings.

There is perverse masculinity that results in abuse, assault, rape, gang violence, criminality, and sexual conquests. This is how many Leftists characterize all masculine men.

Feminine/Feelers/Marxists, male and female, are subjective. They make decisions based on feelings. They are ruled by their emotions, not logic and reason. Feelers judge situations and others based on their feelings. They seek first and foremost to please others, and want to be appreciated and listened to. Feelers prioritize harmony and empathy. “Feeler” doesn’t mean a person doesn’t think. Again, it’s a matter of degree. Feelings dominate the behavior and decision-making process.

There’s extreme, perverse, feminine thinking, too. It’s best described as childishness. The childish take emotions and fear beyond a reasonable level. They tend to be steeped in bitterness/anger and are easily offended. They have tantrums and sometimes scream at the sky (this picture will live in infamy). Their greatest joy would appear to be taking offense (see Joe Biden and Greta Thunberg, shills for global Marxism). Childish fears of losing power causes them to bully others into submitting to their desires. They have convinced themselves that this loss of power would be “awful” and “worse than death”. This is perverted femininity masquerading as masculinity; like Jezebel hoping to intimidate and silence masculine conservatives to prevent them from influencing the culture.

Thinkers and Feelers bring a worldview; a perspective though which you interpret the world. It’s a philosophy; a set of beliefs that determine thoughts and actions. It influences the way  we understand the culture and our place in it.  Your worldview is the foundation upon which you make decisions that shape your life. A worldview sees life through a prism. Right-brain dominant people primarily have a feeling worldview prism, and secondarily have a thinking worldview. Left-brain dominant people primarily have a thinking worldview prism, and secondarily have a feeling worldview. Everyone is oriented, to a varying degree, in one of these ways.

Thinking and feeling worldviews are archetypes— broad generalizations of things, like Mother and Father. The archetypal feminine Mother is something everyone in every culture recognizes because of certain qualities she has—nurturing, talkative, cautious, creative, and emotional. The feeling archetype talks to fix problems. “If we talk to terrorists, they’ll stop.” The Dad masculine stereotype is courageous, a risk-taker, quiet, logical, and a provider. The inclination to take risks is why men, on average, earn more than women. Jobs with high risk tend to pay more, and men do most of that kind of work. Men also aren’t as hesitant to negotiate better pay as are women. Unequal pay for men and women has less to do with biological sex and more to do with personal choices and preferences.

Covid-19 responses were left-brain/right brain. Out of fear, right-brainers quickly surrendered their rights, wore six masks (even driving alone in their car), got multiple untested jabs, stayed home, and cancelled Thanksgiving and Christmas with extended family. The childish ones silenced anyone who disagreed with their hysteria. Feeling-dominant people said, “It’s too dangerous to go back to work until we get a vaccine.” Feeling-dominant governors agreed and shut down their states. Leftists were upset last week that In and Out Burger won’t allow their employees to wear masks without a doctor’s order. However, thinking-dominant people said, “We can’t relinquish our rights for Covid, so let us get back to work.” Thinking-dominant governors agreed and kept their states open. Left-brainers refused the jab because there wasn’t enough objective evidence to support its safety or objected because it was tested on aborted baby cell lines. Left-brainers balked at wearing a mask or being told to go one way in a grocery aisle. They celebrated all holidays with anyone they wished.

Leftists/Marxists complain about “Toxic masculinity;” but that’s just a veiled complaint against courageous people who won’t bow to them. Marxists despise masculine people. Kyle Rittenhouse, Michael Flynn, Matt Gaetz, Steve Bannon, Peter Navarro, Roger Stone, Tucker Carlson, and Mark Houck are all courageous, masculine men who dared to opposed childish people running the deep administrative state swamp and paid the price. Even worse for Flynn, Bannon, Navarro, and Stone was they worked for Donald Trump, the ultimate masculine evil. Democrat RFK, Jr., testified before a House Subcommittee last week. Ironically, his fellow Democrats tried to censor him from speaking about censorship, calling him racist and an anti-Semite for the crime of not towing the childish, Democrat-party line. However, childish people like Joe and Hunter Biden and the Clinton’s are allowed to do any criminal activity they want.

The basic differences between distorted and proper masculinity and femininity can be described as 1) “fairness” vs justice (manipulated outcomes vs uniform application); 2) equity vs. equality (equal outcomes vs equal opportunity); and 3) fear vs courage (state that is desired by the Marxism vs. state that is required by Conservativism). The distorted feminine view is childish, and wants every outcome to be equal. In fact “equal outcomes” is essentially their definition of fairness. This is why, for them, the notion that “everyone gets a trophy” is virtuous. (We should have known that, once this got started, it wouldn’t end well). If Marxists can’t emasculate people, they seek to control them. A few cases in point: They couple equity with diversity and inclusion, or DIE. Each term, when unpacked, is yet again distorted. Their debilitating fear leads them to avoid risk, even if the byproduct of that fear is actually a more systemic danger. This is particularly evident in their irrational fear of guns.

Proper masculinity values a form of justice that is blind and uniformly applied. This is an element of the “protector” construct. It also promotes personal responsibility for outcomes and embraces an objective framework for determining what is right. Men and women alike, in this way, contend for the masculine virtues of justice, equality, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness! Anti-masculine Leftists are jettisoning masculinity and biological male and female from our culture. These very good traits have come to be regarded by Marxists as “toxic”. Democrats, the media, and the likes of Bud Light and Target – with their ESG/CEI scores, have been leading the way. Leftists got CMT to pull masculine Jason Aldean’s masculine song, “Try that in a Small Town,” and it went to #1 on the charts. Transgender teaching in the military could be hurting recruitment, which is down 25%.

Leftists redefine terms about biology and perversion. The Biden administration prefers “birthing persons” instead of mothers. Leftists tout “gender affirming care,” which is actually child sexual mutilation, and schools promote it. Pedophiles? NO—they’re just “minor-attracted people,” or “kid touchers.” That’s one reason some Leftists attack the anti-child-sex-trafficking movie, “Sound of Freedom”—it exposes pedophilia. ”Marriage is no longer between a male and female, but between “two people who love each other.” Marxists accuse masculine people of being homophobic, misogynistic and of course racist, but no one seems to know what those terms mean any more, as they have become so universally mis-used. Ironically, if the term “racist” were ever to be properly applied today, it would consistently describe the Left. Stay tuned for Part 2…

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  • Brian Shelley

    Brian Shelley has a B.S. in Theology, an M.A. in Organizational Leadership, and a PhD in Religion and Society Studies. He was the dean of the Central Penn College Lancaster campus and a professor, teaching courses in Historical Perspectives of the Constitution, Critical Thinking, Philosophy, Ethics, The Bible and Science, Origin of Modern Civil Rights and Liberties, Conflicts in American Government, State and Local Government, Congress & the Presidency, Presidents & First Ladies, American Civil War, PA History, Global Conflict, History and Film, World Religions, World Mythology, and Ancient Civilizations. At Lancaster Bible College, he taught courses at the Bachelor and Masters level about church growth and leadership, how to preach, and how to study the Bible. He is the author of “Have You Lost Your Mind?”, a book about how to use critical thinking skills to study the Bible. Currently he is the national trainer for Reading Truck Group where he teaches principles of leadership and Lean Manufacturing.

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Brian Shelley
Brian Shelley
Brian Shelley has a B.S. in Theology, an M.A. in Organizational Leadership, and a PhD in Religion and Society Studies. He was the dean of the Central Penn College Lancaster campus and a professor, teaching courses in Historical Perspectives of the Constitution, Critical Thinking, Philosophy, Ethics, The Bible and Science, Origin of Modern Civil Rights and Liberties, Conflicts in American Government, State and Local Government, Congress & the Presidency, Presidents & First Ladies, American Civil War, PA History, Global Conflict, History and Film, World Religions, World Mythology, and Ancient Civilizations. At Lancaster Bible College, he taught courses at the Bachelor and Masters level about church growth and leadership, how to preach, and how to study the Bible. He is the author of “Have You Lost Your Mind?”, a book about how to use critical thinking skills to study the Bible. Currently he is the national trainer for Reading Truck Group where he teaches principles of leadership and Lean Manufacturing.
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